Good Fats vs. Bad Fats - Fitness Rangers

Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

Good Fats vs. Bad Fats
August 6, 2015 fitnessrangers
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Good Fats. Bad Fats

by Scott Estrada

As people are waking up to realize how vital good healthy fat intake can be for performance, reducing inflammation and slowing the aging process, navigating the realm of where the best fatty acids are and where they are not can be unclear to many people and a source of confusion when trying to make sound choices.

It’s hard to fathom the collective damage done to our vital organs from the use of so much refined, stripped down, highly processed oils used by the food manufactures over the last several decades that now show up in thousands of items. We traded cheap, shelf stable food made with these unnatural oils for our quality of health and we didn’t even know it was going on.

The usual suspects
These fats and oils are the worst choices you can make when buying processed food items that contain them or trying to use for home food prep:

Lard (commercial)
Consider the life of grain-fed cattle. Fed GMO contaminated grains, unsanitary conditions, given antibiotics and synthetic hormones. The toxic load collects in their fat cells. Lard is nutrient poor and is usually hydrogenated. No thanks.

Vegetable oils: canola, peanut, corn, cottonseed, soybean, safflower and sunflower
These polyunsaturated fats are the most unstable, easily oxidized, inflammatory oils used. Consuming these over many years will not only lower performance but will contribute to many disease states. Most are GMO and refined with chemical solvents, stripping them of any trace of beneficial fatty acids. They also elevate Omega 6 levels to way beyond the healthy levels needed by the body to greatly increase inflammation. Omega 3 to 6 ratio should be at most 1:4. Millions of people are living with levels at 20 to 40 times higher than that! Keeping the ratio of Omega 3’s to Omega 6’s in the healthy range are anti-inflammatory medicine; these poor, cheap oils must be avoided as much as possible if vitality, performance and longevity are your goals.

Artificial Trans-Fats and (margarine)
Nothing robs you of brain function, drops your performance and ruins longevity quite like these plastic like fats. Every organ system is affected negatively from this type of oil. Governments have begun to crack down on their use but don’t be fooled, they still exist in hundreds of foods and food companies are sly about hiding them in small amounts so they don’t have to be labeled under law.

Ageless Oils
The following fats and oils promote health, create balance, stimulate fat burning, raise performance, and increase brain function. Source out the cleanest, organic, wild, grass-fed, cold-pressed, vigin versions for the best quality:

Grass-fed butter
Always superior to grain fed butter, the grass-fed version is high in fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, and K, anti-oxidants, healthy fatty acids like CLA and Omega 3’s.

Similar to butter but all the milk proteins, casein and lactose, have been cooked off leaving just the pure healthy saturated oils. In Ayurveda, ghee is used to “cleanse” the toxic lymph system to restore health and create new vibrant cells, a better choice for those with dairy sensitivities also.


Grass-fed animal fat
Cows are plant based, so are bison, elk, and deer. Their fats are high in nutrients, proteins, minerals, essential fatty acids, especially the marrow. Poultry fat is higher in Omega 6’s and should be eaten in less quantity if you eat animal fleshes.

Coconut oil
Best for cooking since the saturated fats content is the highest and most stable to higher heats. Supports fat burning, thyroid function, balanced blood chemistry, hormones and brain function. Contains anti-microbial properties and fatty acids close to human breast milk.

Pure medium and short chain fatty acids in a liquid form that is 6 times more concentrated than regular coconut oil. Supports brain function with ketone formation for efficient metabolism rates. More ENERGY!

Fish/Krill Oils
High in Omega’3 brain boosting, cardio health, anti-inflammation qualities. Wild Salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovy, wild trout and small marine krill that feed whale’s large amount of their diet all should be sought after. Look for high quality krill oil in supplement form.

Fermented Cod Liver Oil
Extremely nutrient dense, highly rich in fat soluble vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Fermentation process retains all the benefits versus modern distillation methods. Green Pasture is a company using traditional means to produce the highest quality you can get. They are the only brand that tests for mold, heavy metals and other contaminates.

Cacao Butter
Plant based nutrient dense fat from raw chocolate (cacao), rich in fat soluble iron, chromium and magnesium. Regulates healthy blood pressure and supports the whole cardio system. Raw cacao is one of the top 10 superfoods on the planet and its fatty acids help make it so.

Other healthy sources of plant based fats:
Avocados | Olives/Olive Oil | Chia seeds | Pumpkin Seeds| Walnuts| Macadamia

The goal here is to include as many healthy fats/oils for a full variety of benefits. Choose the ones that work for YOUR eating style but be willing to try ones you never have and you just might be surprised with what you like and the way you feel. Here’s to fueling your active life on the water with the most nutrient dense fuel ever, healthy fatty acids!

For personal coaching on this subject email Scott Estrada


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